Thursday, February 10, 2011

fracking smokers

Seriously guys?!?!!!

This is an open letter to all those smokers who fracking don't pay attention to where they are smoking. Seriously guys? I know you are out in the "open" but your smoke is still in my face. Thanks a lot. When I want to have smoke in my face and breathe it in I will TAKE UP SMOKING myself. Thanks so much for polluting my air when I have decidedly chosen not to smoke for THIS VERY REASON. Also, don't smoke 2 feet from the doors of a business because the smoke lingers at the door and I have to walk through it to get inside. Every time I have to walk through your putrid air to get to my destination I'm going to give you the nastiest look possible and deliberately hold my breathe when I am near you, you fracking d-bag.

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