Saturday, June 25, 2011

50 first dates

1. Inconsiderate donkey butt
2. Going nowhere man and that's ok... for him
3. Not interested in my brand of oddity
4. 3 strikes and you're out
5. First times first
6. Not my brand of oddity
7. ... cancelled... twice
8. Smile makes up for an hour but it wasn't a date
9. Hangout: Double the ragdoll double the fun
10. Curly hair!
11. Morango
12. Bumbling along
13. (I'm excited for this next one, he lives close, is interesting, and HAS hair)

Again, really Rachel?

Sitting in Starbucks sipping my mocha frappucino, charging both my computer and phone, feeling the cool airconditioning. Just like home. Actually, not so much since the power went out this morning. The house was heating up. I couldn't access the internet and my phone was about to die. That's why I am sitting here at Starbucks (I even told the Barista as such when I ordered something "sweet, creamy, and chocolaty"). The best part of the story is how I tried to turn the power back on. Sometimes I wonder how I will survive living on my own. When I told my mom this she retorted, "you are living on your own." I sarcastically responded with, "but I don't even know where the breaker is in my OWN house." Apparently I don't know where the breaker is to the house I have lived in for 8 years. Sadly I swear I could remember my mother futzing with the breaker on more than one occasion and I was convinced it was in the little room we had converted from washer/dryer room to bedroom to music room. I looked in there and .... nothing. There was the airconditioning unit and something fishy-looking in the closet that had been painted over but nothing that had switches like a rocket. I walked over to the shed that is not even connected to the house, remembering that it contained the switch controlling the hot water but again... nothing. I went back to both these locations several times becoming quite exasperated. Finally I decided to go with my hunch and returned to the closet in the little room. Why would they paint over something that looked like it should open? I tried pulling the handle, a little movement but not even close. There were screw looking things and If I had dismantled the closet shelf I might be able to take off the screws and open it that way... but in an emergency and without power I'm sure such drastic measures should not be needed to get into the breaker. So, like any young 21 year old in an emergency... I called my mommy. Guess where the breaker is? Right outside the back door in the lanai. Guess what you have to do to open it? Pull the handle. Guess what happened when I turned all the switches off and then on. Nothing. Apparently the storms had done a bit of damage that was more widespread than just my house. Sitting in Starbucks, writing on my blog, charging my electronics, and waiting for the power to come back on....

Really Rachel?

Over my many years as an adult I have come to terms with the fact that I have difficulties with manual manipulation and figuring out how a 3-d object works. This can manifest in several ways, I have trouble doing origami, figuring out those 3-d metal mind-benders, figuring out how to fix cars, and doing simple chores around the house. I was left in charge of changing the air filter at my house. The time came to change out the filter, I knew where the air vent was, I knew where the filter was, I did NOT however know how to take off the air vent cover. There was a little metal loop sticking out of the air vent, presumably to help one open the air vent and replace said filter. After 5 minutes of messing around with this little metal loop, pulling it up, pushing it to the right and to the left, and pushing it in, I was extremely frustrated. Perhaps, I needed tools. I do not have tools, for one. Second, I cannot even remember the names of the tools, they are all "tools" to me and differentiating each one is a difficult affair, let alone use them properly or know what they are intended for. After another couple of minutes wrestling with the little loop and even shoving on it this way and that with a pen I finally got it open. I need to change the filter again soon. Guess what? I don't remember how to open it. Simple, right? I've done it before, it shouldn't be too difficult now that I have the experience and memory. Not at all. I remember many different methods to "open" the vent but don't actually recall which way was the correct way. Perhaps it may take me less time to figure it out all over again.

Friday, June 24, 2011


Teddy easily looks ridiculous.

I told you so

I finally found my first geocache. It was a 3/5 difficulty and it was super micro. This thing was smaller than an olive. I am super excited that I found one, but it was only with the help of a friend. Not only spotting it was difficult but reaching it as well, since I may also call myself "vertically challenged" at times. Thanks Mr. F for helping with the find (reaching it and putting it back).

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I have an obsession with hair. Touching hair is one of the most gratifying sensual pleasures. That night with the bounce house my true nature was let loose and good thing it was my college or else I may have not been forgiven for petting his head like he was a cat. My buddy doesn't mind, he's pretty good-natured just like my cats don't mind my attentions.

My favorite is curly hair. When there is that natural curliness to hair I get all envious and I just want. to. touch. it. I end up complimenting her on the lovely head of hair or telling him not to cut it instead.

I was super sad when Jan cut his fro off this year. When guys cut their hair, why do they seem to just buzz it all off at once?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer lovin'

This is certainly an interesting summer. Although I am in Sarasota for its entirety, it is not going to be dull. My new job is beginning to grow on me and I am enjoying it immensely. Hanging out with new people is quite interesting as well and the adventures I'm gearing up for will hopefully make a certain someone jealous. She will be jealous enough to make some more time for her best friend.....

Monday, June 20, 2011


Anything can be fun if you look at it that way. Anything can be awkward if you let it be. Anything can annoy you if you let it. It all depends on how you view the world, your perspective. If you choose to let things create certain responses in you then that's just how it is. Of course it's easier for a setting to be awkward if it's naturally set up that way but you don't have to let it make you feel that way. That's the beauty of perspective. Your reactions are your own and are the outcome of your thought processes and feelings, YOU make them how they are. You are not a "product of your environment" unless you let yourself be.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

This post goes out to my daddy. Increasingly I have realized how lucky I am (and was) to have the parental support I had. Children these days have not always gotten the "training" and help that I had. I am able to do so many things that without my daddy would not have been possible. Most notably and off the top of my head I count my expert ability to make change as one of those skills that I was trained to do at an early age by my dad. It comes in handy at my job as a waitress, where making rapid change without devoting all my brain power is immensely helpful. Sometimes I see the other waitresses struggling with this and even whipping out a phone to do simple calculations (in front of customers) and I am even more grateful for this useful and simple skill that I have.

I recently talked about my dad and his influence over my life to a new person that I met. I told him that it was because of my dad that I do a lot of the crazy things that I do and am not really shy. My dad is always doing goofy things and is the sort that has fun in everyday situations. Just yesterday I spent about 20 minutes talking to the people giving out samples at Target and being super friendly. I always think about my daddy when I do things like that. Or joking with strangers or even striking up conversations with strangers, that is the sort of thing I mirror from my dad's behavior. Whenever I go to a new restaurant I like to ask the waitstaff their opinion on what is the best and usually I'll just get it or sometimes I do the "dad" and get the one item on the menu that is named after the restaurant.

My dad has been supportive of my insane goals and crazy ideas throughout the years and has facilitated me in some of them directly. He got me my 5k piece puzzle that I have been working on to complete one of my lifelong goals. He is always encouraging me to reach high and not settle as a sheeple person. I love talking to my dad, he is always so proud of me and it's like a form of therapy where I'm continuously getting positive feedback.

This post goes out to my dad, who I'm always thankful for and glad that he has been involved in my life the way he is. Thanks daddy and happy Father's Day!

-Your Favorite Younger Daughter

first dates

First dates can be awkward. Second dates can also be awkward. How can one minimize this lack of comfort? With planning. If the entire date does not have empty moments, then that awkward physical tension will not be there. Also, movie dates can give off tension vibes. That's why an adventure is your best bet or a place where you can just talk and not worry about losing your personal bubble. 

What would I like to do for a first date? Ideally I would love to do something new and different but if it is a "blind" date I would want to be in a public safe area which might minimize the adventurous aspect of the date. I want to be able to look back and remember you, not as just another dinner and a movie date but as the "archery and roasted marshmallows" guy, or the "volleyball and ice-cream on the beach" guy. I want to be able to tell people that we met "at the Gravitron at the fair" or that for our first date we went geocaching at the Ringling Rose Garden. 

I also had this ridiculous idea that since it is kind of a blind date that we would do an activity blindfolded. I don't imagine it to be bowling but perhaps dinner? This could totally work at a more casual restaurant. You put the blindfold on before you enter and ask the waiter to seat you (literally guide you to your chair). You would have some code worked out to make sure you get seated with the correct person (probably one of you arrives 5 minutes before the other and waits seated with a blindfold and you tell the host/hostess to seat you with the man/woman with the blindfold on). It would have to be a new place for both parties, so neither could cheat on knowing the menu in advance.

What creative date can you come up with?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I love the smell of sleep


Why can't you create a new last name together when you get married? That seems the most appropriate.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


make him laugh. I am curious to see how 'loud' it actually is.

Friday, June 3, 2011

I'm getting tired of talking about myself because it is the same story every time. Maybe next time I'll just start making up a whole new persona...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My emotions show too plainly on my face. I give myself away almost every time. I need to work on my pa-pa-pa-poker face

ice cream

It will be exciting.

June 2nd

I passed all of my classes! 5 Sats!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The summer and actual plans

My tentative plans have been solidified and I like to go around telling people that I have 4 jobs. Technically I have 3 part-time jobs and I also volunteer. I continue volunteering a couple hours a week at the children's clinic until school starts up again in August, or maybe only volunteer once a month? (I don't know because I really like what I do there and feel that I'm actually helping them out etc.). I also work at my regular job that I have held for over 2 years now as a waitress but my hours, as well as everyones' have been cut, and I would say I only work 5-10 hours per week now. I also do the odd job for my dad on the computer, I call it routing PCB's. My job that encompasses the most hours is the one I started training for today as a camp leader at my local science museum. All in all thats an average of 30 hours for the camp, 5 for the restaurant, 2 for the clinic, and 3 for my dad in a week which adds up to an average 40 hour workweek. It being spread out over several types of jobs doing completely different things makes it seem like not a lot so I'm super happy about it all, plus the income will be highly appreciated when I start my final year as an undergraduate student.

I decided not to take the GRE's since I want to devote enough time and energy studying and I won't this summer, plus I don't want to go to grad school. I'm applying to Fulbright and Spanish ambassadors and plan on being in another country after I graduate. If after I decide to go to graduate school I can take the GRE's then and devote the appropriate amount of time and energy to studying.

Since my summer schedule is very similar every day, 9-5 training for the camps and then maybe 1-2 days a week 6-9 waitressing and a day or two here and there for working with my dad. This is Monday through Friday. Saturday I want to volunteer 9-12 at the clinic and then have fun the rest of the time or perhaps I will be working these evenings? I'm not certain. When the camps actually start in two weeks I will be working 11-5 at the camps.

since my summer schedule has such a routine I want to eat healthier for one, especially for the meal during the day while I'm working. I envision a fruit, a vegetable, a sandwich, and nuts. I want to drink juice every morning before working because I don't like breakfast but not eating for 4 hours might be difficult for me and quite distracting.

I also want to start training to defeat my pushups goal.