I want to be rich. Someday when I have a career job and make more than below poverty and can afford nice things and not be worried at spending or having to spend money, I will have a new concept of money. For now my concept of money is as follows. Dollars are come and go, they don't really mean much. I exchange them so often at my job and they really can't buy much of anything. A dollar I could shred and not shed too many a tear or engage in some psychological experiment with-muahaha. Ten dollars is a bigger deal. Ten dollars is an hour or more of effort to obtain. Ten dollars doesn't just slide off the hand so easily. Ten can be well spent though but with at least a little thought put in. Now, $100 is another story. I never like to see that much money leave in so short a time, it requires much prior thought and strain to the brain to make sure it is well spent. This is a BIG deal folks. Getting even bigger, a thousand. I have no concept of this much money, it is just too much at one time for my puny little brain to comprehend.
When I'm old and rich and $1000 is what I make in a week (rather than longer than a month), it will become more of a concept I can understand (and enjoy). I can then throw $100's at one meal and not blink too hard. I can buy shoes at $100 a pop without waiting 3 months in forethought and savings. I will have a wallet stuffed with $100's and not $1's when I go places. I can go to restaurants and tip $10 on dinky little $5-$20 snacks or drinks and not feel like my wallet has been scavenged. I can afford to buy christmas presents that cost more than the shipping of said gifts. I can save for a year to buy a fancy car and not glasses (why would I need to when I can afford Lasik?)
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