Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I like them. I admit. I also like to write about them, hence this posting and the referential posting and all the hullabaloo about them. To start off, they are great. Nice to look at, nice to talk to, even nice to play with sometimes. I seem to get romantically interested in unavailable men though, tough luck to me. This is why I secretly dislike homosexuals, because they are awesome and I'm attracted to them and they.... are not available or attracted to me but I guess that's part of the appeal. I can be myself without them misconstruing what I do for an appeal for sexual attention. damn society! Anywho I've lost myself again. I like boys. When I use the word "boys" I don't refer to young men (sub 18?) but to males in general (+ 18  thank you very much). I like the word 'boy,' it has a soft cozy feeling. I love curly hair on guys, it is so nice to just play with. I'm always sad when guys with gorgeous hair get it cut. Boys who wear nice fitting jeans are also awesome, and when I say this I have a boy in mind, he is so pretty when he walks around without his shirt, barefooted, and his perfect fitting blue jeans with the soft cloth belt looped and left hanging on his waist. He has such an interesting belly button too and his walk is quite distinct. Also, hugs. Hugs are soul food. The slightly longer than appropriate hug is the secret way of saying "hey you are super cute and hug fantastically and I like you a lot." There's this one guy who gives awesome hugs. When I hug him, all I'm thinking is, nothing actually. I have an internal smile and when it's over I can't think of the mechanics of the hug or how it happened, what hand went where etc. but only that I want another one because it was so perfect. GIVE ME MORE HUGS!

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