Monday, January 10, 2011


I must be daft because I want to take 6 classes and a kind of internship this next semester. 5 classes is abnormal, 4 is recommended, 6 is a lot for New College. I want to continue with Chinese, I don't want to stop, I need the momentum in a language class, even if I don't do well in the class I don't care because just continuing to study achieves my goal. In that same vein I want to continue spanish with the Advanced Spanish class-the novella and with that I want to take the Spanish advanced seminar class offered in English because I have decided to slash in Spanish and to fit in everything I will have full semesters, no more f-ing around (not that I have been because since my second semester I have taken 4.5-5 classes a semester while working 10-20 hours a week at my outside job and doing various other activities. I'm not lazy or stupid, just an overachiever and lack the ability to make hardcore decisions regarding my future. I don't want to just do Psychology or Spanish so I'm doing both? Why? Just because I don't want to close doors on either possibility. So to fit in all the requirements means taking lots of both classes. Which means realistically I should drop Chinese but NO!!!! I want to continue. So I also I want to take abnormal psychology (something I've wanted to take for a while anyways) and research methods (apparently the most difficult psych class offered?). So in fact that is 5 quite advanced and tedious and time consuming and potentially fun and distressing all at the same time classes. On top of that (here we go again I know) I want to do something out in the community with Spanish. I'm not sure what exactly, perhaps working with little kids who don't speak or with adults who only speak Spanish. Something useful and fun and not academic at all but helpful with my linguistic spanish communication skills. I have decided that If I do all this I will definitely (promise to self) either take a hiatus from my waitressing job or quit entirely or only work Saturday nights. Since my work job has been really stressful lately I know I can't do lots of schoolwork and keep up at my job all the hours they want me to work. If they don't want me to just work 1 day a week then fuck them. I've worked there for 2 years and I don't need to put up with the stress and dumb shit they put me through all the time. I can get another job if need be or even go back after this semester. Having a job makes me feel more stable monetarily but I will be getting money back from the school and if I budget wisely I can live by it. Anyways I'll be so busy I won't have the time to spend money I don't have. Or even better, if I could just do a couple jobs for my dad I would make a lot of money only working a few hours and be satisfied with my financial situation and my academic life. The only thing that needs to be worked with/on then is my romantic life. Any available men out there still?

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