Friday, April 29, 2011

the end

is nigh.
That word looks incomplete.
Much better.

to walk or not to walk continued

monday: 2.25
tuesday: 2.734
Thursday: 5
friday: 3
saturday: 3
 sunday: 1.5
monday: 3.5
tuesday: 1.3
wednesday: 1
thursday: 3.5

Some days I sit at my desk all day long and hardly move and other days I am dancing and dodging and walking all over. Assessment: More activity on sundays and more walking on days that I don't have many activities (such as classes or work) planned. I'm not sure what happened to Wednesday's data, instrument error?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Clinic last Friday- 3 unique events

In all my years going to the doctor, dentist, even hospital it has never occurred to me to thank them with baked goods. Mailpersons get Christmas checks in the mail (or so I think) so why shouldn't your doctor get some of your appreciation as well? At the clinic last Friday, one of the patients with 2 girls brought in a Carvel ice cream cake for the doctor. It said thanks, Dr. X and then had the two girls' names. I never knew people gave gifts to their doctors. That was a tasty cake too.

The second event, was the curious case of the interviewee's disappearance:
The clinic was recovering from an emergency and the front desk secretary had stepped in the back to take care of something. Mo and I were looking at a chart when this woman pokes her head in window looking for the secretary. Mo walks over to help her. She says that she is here with an application for employment. Background info: the clinic is looking to hire a bilingual assistant to take care of the front desk. So, Mo says, "X is out at the moment but if you come over here," and he leads her to the office and tells her to wait for X to come back to interview her. She sits down and Mo and I put a patient into a room and take vitals. We could not have been gone for more than 5 minutes when Mo notices the woman has left the room, and a quick check of the waiting room reveals that she has indeed left the building. We thought that quite odd, she couldn't even wait 5 minutes? She must have seen something she didn't like. Mo and I tell X and the doctor about the applicant with hot feet. Anyways, we carried on taking vitals and physical examinations of the patients when I notice the same lady sitting in the waiting room about to talk to X. I whisper to X that I think the same lady came back. She seemed slightly incredulous and asked me if I was sure and I confirmed that yes I was sure. X took the lady back into the same office and the doctor soon joined the two. A few minutes later the lady is walking out the door and the doctor is thanking her for her time. The gossip a little later is that the lady was called back in but the doctor noticed on the applicationt hat the lady couldn't work monday or wednesday evenings. The doctor told the lady she was sorry for calling her in and wasting her time if she couldn't work those evenings. Then the doctor asked her why she left earlier and she denied that it was her, she said she had not left and come back. She totally lied to a doctor at a job interview!

the last event, which actually occurred first was an emergency. A young girl, about 9 came in and after a 15 minute assessment the nurse decided the girl should go to the ER. I got to watch the procedures in an emergency situation, it was intensely serious and all the doctor's staff was aiding or watching.

diner food and date food

I recently had the best burger ever. It was super delicious and a unique burger that you can only find at that specific venue or by making yourself. I'm referring to the nacho burger, hold the japaleños and I'm sold.

My friend and I have been compiling a mental checklist of foods or places not to go if you want to not look like a sloppy fool in front of your date. Fast food is out, grease and mayonnaise get all over, disaster. Every time I eat out I have this mental evaluation, one little question, "Is this food date appropriate?"

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


it's time for change, green and blue kind of change or is the green too lime-ish and distracting?

Monday, April 18, 2011

potential summer plans

practice for and take GRE
become a mixologist
workout/dance class
improve skill with an SCF class
develop job with dad
work hard to save $
road trip to Mexico/trip to Puerto Rico
Miami nightlife

Professor sunshine

I see my professors as being overloaded with work, more so than most of their students. I see them as working hard and professionally handling the stress of deadlines quite eloquently. I absolutely love how one professor in particular acts day to day... I can always here her laughing through the halls of the psych halls, during her class and while I am in class. It is heartening to here when I am anxious about my classes and workloads.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


I will not wait. I will not wander. I am what I make it. I am alone in my strength.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

3 months

on the 17th and we finally just completed The Initiation. Yay.

Monday, April 11, 2011

a shout out

to India, thanks for reading.

if it was my choice

I would do it, but then again I am self-sufficient and motivated and able to be on my own. I can make that guarantee that I will be there, that temptation will never get me because my mind is already made up.

You know how they say they did it because they were drunk? As if that excuses illegal or horrible behavior. No, it doesn't. I think that up until a certain point everyone can make those choices. Not only that they can make those choices, that their mind was already made up and that most people are just wishy washy and don't want to approach a problem directly in their minds and so just wait for that opportunity when they are vulnerable (drunk) and see what happens, which is to follow their natural inclinations anyway.

my life as it is

When I think about the entire future beyond my education it seems to vast and unexplored that it scares me. So many what ifs spring up. I won't have a 4-year security to lie down in. I won't be living at my parent's house. I will be on my own. I don't know how people around my age do it, with a crappy minimum wage job that barely covers living expenses and no hope for change beyond quitting or getting fired. What do you do? I look at the late 20 somethings at the place I work and I analyze their situation, where did it go wrong? Why are they working a job where I'm working and barely making more than enough to cover my very few and small expenses. How do they make it? I never want to live paycheck to paycheck, where at any moment I could get sick and miss a few days of work and then not be able to pay a bill. Never. How to prevent this? I won't be in the majority of people making under 20k a year, I can do better. I have a variety of talents, I'm motivated to find those elusive jobs that are awesome and pay decent, and I will have a college education. That still counts for something right?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

my personality

I got bored watching tv so I went back to writing my paper which isn't even due until Monday. Either I'm anxious because I have multiple assignments to get done or supremely bored because I'm on top of all my homework. Solution: improve social life.


The only reason to fold underwear would be if you are trying to impress someone

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

To walk or not to walk


1. Do I walk more at school than I do at work?
2. How far do I walk in a day
3. Will my $.99 pedometer turn on and work for more than one day?

Stay tuned for further information...

My little experiment began on Sunday April 3rd but it has been interrupted at the moment due to the fact that the device was intentionally borrowed without asking. Saturday - I walked less than 1 mile since I spent all day glued to my laptop in my room doing a mountain of homework. Sunday was a bit better because I had to work - 2.9 miles and Monday topped it all because I was at school as well as work - 2 at school and 2 at work - 4 miles. Is this the recommended daily does of walking? Popular websites try to tell you that 10,000 steps is the endgoal, which ends up as 5 miles.


It finally happened. Took me nearly 6 months (since October 18th) but I finally killed my fish. The great Hexagonal has died. She/he is not just playing dead, s/he really is dead. The final flush shall happen later tonight amidst family pets. All are cordially invited.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The goal is not to curl up and hide from reality but to face it with your resources ready.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


I have very little patience and only moderate craft skills. Combine this with shaky fingers and you get lots of poking fingers, frustration, and finally a costume. Over this weekend I found clothing and supplies to craft a poliwhirl costume for just $15. I'm excited to model this costume for dance tutorial as I whirl around and lipsync to the pokeman theme song this May.


Friday, April 1, 2011


I need to get out of here. Here referring to the monotony that has settled like a blanket over my life. I feel like all I do is the same thing. I have gone to school for 3 years now, been there done that. I have had the same job now for 2 years, boring. I don't do much different. I want more spontaneity and adventure. I miss the days when I lived on the sharp edge of different. Now I sit at my desk.