Saturday, July 23, 2011

Geocaching this past month (26 found, 3 hidden)

Stay tuned for a photo log of my geocaching adventures with new and old friends. A great way to bond, have adventures, or break the ice. My new hobby and avenue towards new goals. I want to find all the geocaches in Sarasota! 

My very first geocache find, it was as big as those two little dots

Note the 'micro' size on this geocache

Yay I found it!

It had already been scavenged

But we found it anyways....

I can't believe I couldn't find this the first time I looked, see how big it is?!!!!

This is why geocaching with Nicole is good, she will stubbornly find nearly every one. 

Accidental find? Nope, we were looking for it!

We let Casey do the honors

So much treasure!

Nicole's very first find ever!

The four geocachers July 4th

This sucker was hard to find the way we went

Really? We coulda just gone around?

"Nicole always finds it, Rachel just follows. Bushwacking to the extreme!"

What she took as her prize

How far in the woods are we, care to guess?

Can you tell that it is pouring rain?

We got soaked, but it was worth it!

Accidental photo

What face

The What Face is contagious!

Hanging from a tree

Not proper geocaching attire


Super camo

What looks like it doesn't belong?

Nifty idea

But it was full of ants

Plus the log was stuck inside

But it was still super crafty

I found it, I found it...

Camo of a different kind

I see a theme with the treasures that she chooses

That doesn't really go there...Or does it?

Can you find the geocache?

Soaked log

Disintegrating log

I found this one!

She actually put it back in too far and had to fish it back out so the next geocachers could get to it.

In between a golf course and a back road

Key holder!

I found it 

Whoa, super long!

Camo film cannister

Yes that is my car

Yes I pulled off randomly on the side of the road

Yes I off roaded slightly and backed up right next to that tree

Yes we found it


Because it was up this high (points)

So high in fact that we used my car as a ladder

To reach that sucker

Where's the bathroom?

Accidental picture that turns out quite nice

Yay camo duct tape!

Ooh a bunch of... trash

That's not treasure! 

If it rains, this will get soaked.

Clever hide and easy find using newfound geosense

Crafting our own treasures

Energy Monsters!

Steven made them

I think they're pretty nifty

They were acting naughty

So we had to contain them

Our first geo hide!

Muahaha come find me!

Why did this take so long to find?

It was right where it said it should be.


Look ma, I found it!

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