My tentative plans have been solidified and I like to go around telling people that I have 4 jobs. Technically I have 3 part-time jobs and I also volunteer. I continue volunteering a couple hours a week at the children's clinic until school starts up again in August, or maybe only volunteer once a month? (I don't know because I really like what I do there and feel that I'm actually helping them out etc.). I also work at my regular job that I have held for over 2 years now as a waitress but my hours, as well as everyones' have been cut, and I would say I only work 5-10 hours per week now. I also do the odd job for my dad on the computer, I call it routing PCB's. My job that encompasses the most hours is the one I started training for today as a camp leader at my local science museum. All in all thats an average of 30 hours for the camp, 5 for the restaurant, 2 for the clinic, and 3 for my dad in a week which adds up to an average 40 hour workweek. It being spread out over several types of jobs doing completely different things makes it seem like not a lot so I'm super happy about it all, plus the income will be highly appreciated when I start my final year as an undergraduate student.
I decided not to take the GRE's since I want to devote enough time and energy studying and I won't this summer, plus I don't want to go to grad school. I'm applying to Fulbright and Spanish ambassadors and plan on being in another country after I graduate. If after I decide to go to graduate school I can take the GRE's then and devote the appropriate amount of time and energy to studying.
Since my summer schedule is very similar every day, 9-5 training for the camps and then maybe 1-2 days a week 6-9 waitressing and a day or two here and there for working with my dad. This is Monday through Friday. Saturday I want to volunteer 9-12 at the clinic and then have fun the rest of the time or perhaps I will be working these evenings? I'm not certain. When the camps actually start in two weeks I will be working 11-5 at the camps.
since my summer schedule has such a routine I want to eat healthier for one, especially for the meal during the day while I'm working. I envision a fruit, a vegetable, a sandwich, and nuts. I want to drink juice every morning before working because I don't like breakfast but not eating for 4 hours might be difficult for me and quite distracting.
I also want to start training to defeat my pushups goal.
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