Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I am privileged to have a car. Not every person has a car. I love having a car and up until recently I loved my car, it was reliable without major problems or issues, it gets great miles to the gallon, it is clean, sizeable, the back seats come down,  I can fit my bike in the trunk. However, my elation and ignorant euphoria came to an end recently when my transmission died and I am buying a new one, the cost of which is more than equivalent to my refund check from school. Once again I will worry about my monthly expenses, even while living at my parent's house, not as involved in campus life, with pre-thesis worries. I'm just stressed about several things, my car-will it have major or minor issues in the future, my academic life- what will my thesis be on, will I have a sponsor, will I be able to do it in the proper amount of time, my financial life-can I live off of what I earn, etc.

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