Friday, December 16, 2011

Dear xbox 360 w/ kinect

Dear innovators of the xbox 360 Kinect feature,

     I appreciate your technology but I think real movement is better. Your sports pale in comparison to the real deal. Your games feel like poorly disguised exercise, of which running on an elliptical would be more entertaining. The only reprieve you have is your dance games, however most are poorly suited to the average user. These games are difficult to manipulate, hard to understand, and only contain benign movements that are easily learned and just as easy to tire of. Why pay $50 for a game whose only merits are that one is able to "play" tennis at four in the morning? Kinect Sports are dull and lack the edge of competition that one gets while really playing. It's like sitting a gambler in a betting game where they don't even use real money. Just Dance has aggravating controls, especially for those who are not precise in movement (you shake a little bit while manipulating the invisible controls and the sensor thinks you selected something else, perhaps don't use up and left right in the same hand). The only game I found worthwhile for the kinect's abilities was Dance Central, easy to manipulate, fun to play, and works up a little sweat. How has technology that has been available for a year, given us so little? My review? Not worth the $100 price tag, save your money for the 250 gb xbox 360 console (vs. the $100 less 4gb console).


Dissatisfied Kinect user

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